請幫助Lotus Outreach(蓮心基金會)!這是宗薩欽哲仁波切 的慈善基金會~~即日起至11月15日止,如果您願意, 請上網線上捐款,細節如下:

Help us win

http://hosted-p0.vresp.com/ 291763/22f7350234/ARCHIVE#like


The Blossom BusHelp Rural Girls Get To School

http://www.globalgiving.org/ projects/the-blossom-bus/

Lotus Outreachhttp://www. lotusoutreach.org/


Help Lotus Outreach, of which Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is Board Chairman

Lotus Outreach has been selected to participate in the first ever Girl Effect Challenge. In the next 30 days, we will compete with approximately 50 other organizations around the world to become one of six beneficiaries of the Girl Effect Fund, a collective giving pool that has raised nearly $700,000 to date

By becoming a Girl Effect partner, we will not only receive significant financial support for our Blossom Bus project in 2012, but we will also get critical exposure to Girl Effect fans around the world.

From Lotus Outreach Site

Khyentse Norbu also oversees six branches of Siddhartha’s Intent, contemporary teaching and practice centers distributed over several continents, as well as the non-profit organizations Khyentse Foundation and Lotus Outreach.

Lotus Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the education, health and safety of vulnerable women and children in the developing world.

Originally established to support refugee education, Lotus Outreach now also helps rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking and keep at-risk students in school. We support this mission through effective grassroots projects, particularly among the rural poor.

We have exciting news

Lotus Outreach has been selected to participate in the first ever Girl Effect Challenge. In the next 30 days, we will compete with approximately 50 other organizations around the world to become one of six beneficiaries of the Girl Effect Fund, a collective giving pool that has raised nearly $700,000 to date

By becoming a Girl Effect partner, we will not only receive significant financial support for our Blossom Bus project in 2012, but we will also get critical exposure to Girl Effect fans around the world. Need proof that this will make a difference? The Girl Effect has 17,500 followers on Twitter, 260,000 "likes" on Facebook and nearly 1,000,000 views on YouTube! And it isn't hard to see why the Girl Effect is so popularwatch this video to learn why.

We can't win without your help.

Between now and November 15, our Blossom Bus project must recruit as many unique donors as possible. We are asking all of our supporters to give just $10 during this time period to help us win the competition. Every donation raised during this period will not only bring us one step closer to our dream of partnering with Girl Effect, but will ensure adolescent girls in Mewat, India can safely return to school. By providing bus transportation, we will help many of these girls escape childhood marriage and become the first girls to reach high school in the history of their villages!

Already given to the Blossom Bus? First, thank you! The good news is that any donation made within the challenge period will count as "unique" so please consider giving again.

Help us go guerrilla

We know we can do this! You helped LO win a similar challenge in 2009. But we also know how important it is to get our supporters mobilized and engaged. Please forward this message throughout your networks, share it on your social media sitesusing the links belowand call up your friends and families to ask them to make a $10 donation.

Click to view this email in a browser

Thank you for your support, and for helping us unleash the power of the Girl Effect! You can follow our progress on the Girl Effect Leaderboard between now and November 15th.


Lotus Outreach


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